06 April 2006


02 February 2006

14 January 2006

TPO & Cooper

Da boyz 'n da chair

01 January 2006

My own pharmacy

1 ear infection, 2 doctor visits and a boatload of meds

27 December 2005

Out and About

Busying himself with his kong toy

Sleeping dog

All tired out from playing


He just figured out how to crawl under the couch

19 December 2005

Surfin' Santa

Seen while Christmas shopping, this is another thing you will only ever see in Hawaii.

07 December 2005

A Christmas Pickle

It's so tacky, I had to buy it.

AudBlog #2 - Pearl Harbor Day Edition!

Ok - the phone kept cutting out weird, so if the sound is off, sorry.

Also, I get a little rambly here - it's because I'm actually quite tired. Listen to the audio post to find out why!

this is an audio post - click to play